On Friday 21 November 2014 03:45:56 pm Tim Camp wrote:
> I have been around a long time in this radio business, 45 plus years.

 Kids !
 A few more years and...... but I digress..

 It's a simple pipe through SOX.

 Doing the pitch up ( or down ) is trivial.
 The GUI is more work than anything. 

 While I personally disagree with the idea for all the reasons you
 state ( and I've stated in the past ) I don't see it as a big deal
 option that the majority will not use.
 The majority will use stretch and shrink with no change in pitch.
 Adding the option as requested would allow bizarre things, like
 pitching up, then stretching back to original time, though I can't
 think of a legitimate reason to do so.
 It's not up to me to reason why....

 Of course, I could be worng.....



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