Hi Rich, 

I think there is some confusion here about how cart numbers in the
library work, let me offer the quick run down, hopefully it'll make some

Every cart needs a number.  The easiest way to do this is allow the
system to assign the next available cart number within the range that is
assigned to the group you're assigning a new cart to.

You can also manually select a cart number.

The "Enforce Cart Range" option is there - if you are manually assigning
a cart number - it will not allow you to assign a cart number outside
the range to a particular group.  If you try and that option is set it
will give you an error.

To see this happen, go into RDAdmin and create a group (let's call it
Audio1) with a cart range of 500 to 999.  Select "Enforce Cart Range". 
Go ahead and save the group.  Then go into RDLibrary, click Add, select
the Audio1 group, and in the Cart Number field enter a number outside
the range (400 for example).  It'll give you an error saying the number
is outside the range.  Then enter a number inside the range (500). 
It'll let you add the cart.

Now exit RDLibrary and go back into RDAdmin, edit the Audio1 group, turn
off the Enforce Range checkbox, save the group, go back into RDLibrary. 
It'll now let you add your Cart 400 even though it is "outside" the

If you're going to use the auto-import, there needs to be a cart range
for the group or else it won't know what cart number to import it into 

As an alternate if you are using RDImport, it is possible to specify a
cart number to use - if you want to manually assign cart numbers.  But
to be honest if you are importing a music database - unless you have
other systems already set up to use specific cart numbers with specific
pieces of audio - then the path of the least number of errors and
problems is to allow Rivendell to auto-assign cart numbers.

If I understand your needs correctly there are 2 ways to achieve what
you're looking to do.  Let's say you've got the following groups:


One way is to assign cart ranges to each group.  So 
Indie 10000 - 39999
Folk 40000 - 99999
Jazz 100000 - 149999


If you have not selected the "Enforce range" option it'll let you
manually assign cart numbers outside the range(s) to carts in the
groups, but when auto-importing (unless a cart number is specified)
it'll grab the next available cart number within the range, or if there
are no carts left within the range it'll give you the error you are

The other way to do what you're looking for is to use a single large
cart range across all the groups.  For example assign the same Cart
Range of 10000 to 400000 to each group.  This will give you a total of
390000 carts in the range (you could always change this later if it
isn't enough).  RDAdmin will tell you that the range conflicts with the
other groups and ask you if you really want to save but if you click OK
it'll do it.

Then when you import music - import it into the appropriate group.
Unless set otherwise it will just grab the next available cart number
and import the audio to that cart number.  The cart itself will show up
in whatever group you've imported it into.  So for example - if you
import something into Folk, and it grabs cart number 100005, then that
cart will be listed when you chose the Folk group.  If you next import
into Indie and it grabs 100006, then that cart will be listed in Indie
(and you can change this assignment and / or add scheduling codes
through RDLibrary).  This way you can have all your groups, an extremely
large range of cart numbers, and let the system figure out which numbers
are best to assign as needed.  Your filtering, searching, and scheduling
(especially if you make use of scheduler codes) will still work.

Hope this makes some sense,

Lorne Tyndale

> See Below
> On 11/26/2014 3:56 PM, Cowboy wrote:
> > On Wednesday 26 November 2014 06:52:38 pm Rich Stivers wrote:
> >> When I rdimport a track to a Group with no cart range, I get the error
> >> "No free carts in specified group".
> >> At my installation we want some Groups with no cart range. (I put 0 in
> >> the beginning default cart number.)
> >> Has anyone else had this error and if so, how is it fixed?
> >   What error ?
> >
> >   If you deliberately create a group with no available space,
> >   ( why would you do that ? ) then telling you that there is
> >   no available space is correct !
> This is true if Enforce Cart Range is ON. I want Enforce Cart Range OFF. 
> When I defined a test group with no
> Cart Range, Enforce Cart Range is grayed-out as OFF, yet it behaves as 
> if Enforce Cart Range is ON.  See
> attachment in second message.
> Enforce Cart Range ON is a help to some stations but not to ours. Our 
> station is an independent, community
> non-comm who plays multiple Genres of Music (15-25) much like a 
> University Station. One Rivendell Group
> called MUSIC wouldn't serve us well, since we expect to have roughly 
> 200,000+ carts to begin with. We want
> a Group for each Genre to narrow down search lists, and each Group 
> should have no limits on the numbers
> of carts in that Group.
> As a further test, I created Groups WITH Cart Number Ranges, with and 
> without the Enforce Cart Range
> option, and they both act the same, i.e. when all ID's are used the "no 
> free carts ..." message is displayed. It
> appears the Enforce Cart Range choice box set to OFF has no effect.
> Am I missing something as to the meaning of Enforce Cart Range?
> Thanks,
> Rich Stivers
> KKUP-FM 91.5, Cupertino, CA
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