On Sunday 10 May 2015 02:14:40 pm Jay Ashworth wrote:
> I'd like to lay one extra layer of foundation under Rob's excellent advice.

 Jay and I only slightly disagree on one aspect.
 Outside access.

 That's something that can and should be customized according to
 the requirements of the specific installation by someone
 competent to do it right, IMHO.
 Done right, it's no more insecure than physically disconnected.
 Done wrong, it's like wearing a "KICK ME" sign on your back.

 In my career, I've had one firewall compromised. One, and that
 was a result of announcing the shellshock exploit.
 Even then, the incompetence of the cracker ( china ) limited
 damage to a screwed up crontab file.
 Heck, my own brother has to phone me for access, and he
 has the root passwords !!
 I've had a system on-line 20 years now, where I've invited the
 WaReZ crowd to crack it. None have.
 But, be warned...
 Past Performance is Not Necessarily Indicative of Future Results

 Of course, I'm the guy who uses backspaces in passwords.
 ( because script kiddies and Windows won't even transmit
 a backspace character )



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