I'm using Rivendell on a native Ubuntu 14.04 (LTS)
 with system updates active.
I use Tryphon repositories to install Rivendell. Any other distros give me
missising dependencies upon
setting up Rivendell via Terminal.
I've tested appliance cds wich work but since I depend on Pulseaudio for
other activities (I'm a simple home user)
I have to match pulseaudio and Jack. Something that I had trouble using the
appliance cd.

The step by step sequence :

- http://debian.tryphon.eu/?utm_campaign=rivendell-2.1.2 (choose Trusty),
add the Key.
- http://www.tryphon.eu/en/blog/2012/01/05/rivendell-2.1.2-debian-ubuntu/
(follow the Easier setup)

On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 6:49 PM, Cowboy <c...@cwf1.com> wrote:

> On Wednesday 06 May 2015 09:27:34 am Joey Alcala wrote:
> > I want to run rivendell on the newest/ most modern kernel (and desktop
> > environment) possible
>  For all of the reasons already stated, I would not !
> > Preferably ubuntu or debian.
>  If those are the choices, Debian Stable.
>  Ubuntu is known to be derived from Debian UNSTABLE,
>  not even as reliable as Debian Testing, the equivalent of beta.
>  If it has to be Ubuntu, then I would strongly lean toward the
>  "officially" unsupported RRUbuntu package.
>  Although derived from an unstable ( alpha ) Debian, it's mostly
>  been debuged by the maintainer.
>  Now that Debian is moving away from tried and true init and toward
>  a solution looking for a problem, systemd, who knows how long
>  RRUbintu will last in a familiar form ?
> --
> Cowboy
> http://cowboy.cwf1.com
> Nothing recedes like success.
>                 -- Walter Winchell
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