Hi Again
Further to the Rivendell problem I had experienced I have deployed the updates 
across all three of our Rivendell machines that is Main Server, Studio-A Client 
and Studio-b client the main server is running perfectly the problem now is 
with studio a client Rivendell starts with no problem at all but then when I 
add a song cart to the play out  stack I click once and nothing happens a 
second click it turns red in the cart but the play out is not working I have 
also noticed that if I click on the button wall with our jingles and station id 
beds they seem to be counting down but no sound and then they stop at 1 second 
before the end of the jingle, I am sure this is just a configuration issue but 
I am not sure what is misconfigured. It is Rivendell 2.10.3 that I have updated 
all three machines to
All the best

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