sudo cd/var/snd output: password for rd (entered password) output rd is not in 
the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported. changed directory to 
[root@rdclienta rd]# output from chmod a+rwx/var/snd  chmod:  missing operand 
after "a+rwx/var/snd"
Date: Fri, 22 May 2015 14:22:19 +0100
Subject: Re: [RDD] No Play out on Cart Wall

    you can try sudo cd /var/snd (or do sudo su first then you'll be a
    permanent admin for any command you use)


    It might even be a permissions thing on the directory itself.


    You could open up the whole directory but from a security stand
    point its not always a good thing.


    Try sudo chmod a+rwx /var/snd


    If that lets you cd and ls to see all the files but it still won't
    play try doing the same to the files:


    sudo chmod a+rwx /var/snd/*.wav


    If that works then it is permissions and we can go about restricting
    them back down.

    Wayne Merricks
The Voice Asia
    On 22/05/15 14:08, Graham Wilman wrote:

      right just input cd /var/snd on clienta and the
        output comes back as permission denied



          Date: Fri, 22 May 2015 14:03:08 +0100



          Subject: Re: [RDD] No Play out on Cart Wall


          Ok.  In that case, linux can map directories to different
          places.  For example you can take a remote server and map its
          directory to a local directory.  The difference between
          Windows and Linux is that linux treats it like a normal
          directory and all applications have no clue they're working


          In windows things generally just break if you try that with
          shortcuts or whatever.


          If you check your local /var/snd if the directory is mapped
          remotely correctly you should see all the wav files in there. 
          If it is empty or only has a few files then the mapping is


          You'd have to check your server to see if you have set up NFS
          shares properly (/etc/exports) and your local machine to see
          if it is mapped (/etc/fstab).


          Wayne Merricks
The Voice Asia
          On 22/05/15 13:59, Graham
            Wilman wrote:

            having gone through the suggestions already
              passed onto via the mailing everything in Rivendell is set
              as it should be it is looking at the right drivers and it
              is finding the gina 24 sound card, it appears that
              Rivendell's clienta machine is looking in the wrong place
              on the server for the sound file.



                Date: Fri, 22 May 2015 11:20:05



                Subject: Re: [RDD] No Play out on Cart Wall


                Oh and if you CC the Riv list in, other people can
                continue to help you:



                Wayne Merricks
The Voice Asia
                On 21/05/15 16:30,
                  Graham Wilman wrote:

                  Hi Wayne


                    Thanks for your prompt reply I am totally new to
                    Rivendell and have no clue how to kill the daemons
                    you mentioned unfortunately being a community radio
                    station run by volunteers people come and go
                    and I've kind of inherited this job of trying to
                    sort out Rivendell, so any guidance on how to kill
                    the daemons will be very much appreciated.



                      Date: Thu, 21 May 2015
                      16:22:46 +0100



                      Subject: Re: [RDD] No Play out on Cart Wall


                      Sounds like your sound cards aren't connected to
                      Riv properly.  You can try killing caed, rdcatchd
                      and ripcd before reopening airplay to see if they
                      pick up the changes.


                      Otherwise check rdadmin and edit hosts to see what
                      audio resources Rivendell thinks are available on
                      each machine.

                      Wayne Merricks
The Voice Asia
                      On 21/05/15 15:56,
                        Graham Wilman wrote:

                          Hi Again


                                    Further to the Rivendell problem I
                                    had experienced I have deployed
                                    the updates across all three of our
                                    Rivendell machines that is Main
                                    Server, Studio-A Client and Studio-b
                                    client the main server is
                                    running perfectly the problem now is
                                    with studio a client Rivendell
                                    starts with no problem at all but
                                    then when I add a song cart to
                                    the play out  stack I click once and
                                    nothing happens a second click it
                                    turns red in the cart but the play
                                    out is not working I have also
                                    noticed that if I click on the
                                    button wall with our jingles and
                                    station id beds they seem to be
                                    counting down but no sound and then
                                    they stop at 1 second before the end
                                    of the jingle, I am sure this is
                                    just a configuration issue but I am
                                    not sure what is misconfigured. It
                                    is Rivendell 2.10.3 that I have
                                    updated all three machines to


                                    All the best



                            Sent from Windows Mail



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