Well back to square one after getting the play out working on clienta terminal 
for the past 6 days the decision was taken today to get clientb terminal 
working which it now partially is unfortunately once all 3 terminals the 
server.clienta and clientb were rebooted I could not get play out to work on 
clienta again not only that but the buttons in rdlogedit were all greyed out on 
clientb and I couldn't access the main log in Rivendell airplay which had been 
set up 0n the main server clientb could not see the log, the best way forward 
now is to try and troubleshoot the problems first and then come up with a 
permanent solution to keep all these problems at bay, having said all that the 
last couple of commands showing in the previous emails is  what got clienta 
working last time tried them again but no success this time.
I do apologise for being such a pain but I am still very new to Rivendell and 
have no idea how to troubleshoot properly and then coming up with the solution
All the best

> From: c...@cwf1.com
> To: gwill...@hotmail.co.uk
> Subject: Re: [RDD] No Play out on Cart Wall
> Date: Mon, 25 May 2015 12:27:33 -0400
> On Monday 25 May 2015 11:01:16 am you wrote:
> > I think it was the last command that you sent me which was this one sudo 
> > mount rdserver:/var/snd -t nfs  /var/snd as the one that Wayne sent me this 
> > one sudo mount -t nfs /var/snd
> > just seemed to bring up a lot of info about mount but Wayne did say if it 
> > works without errors its working which it was so it could of been either as 
> > your e-mails came in at more or less the same time.
>  OK, if it works from the command line, now you can add it to /etc/fstab
>  and try that.
>  If that works, you're good to go.
>  The syntax would be a little different.
>  Something like
>  rdserver:/var/snd/     /var/snd     ext3     
> noauto,owner,ro,comment=x-gvfs-show 0   0
>  not that exactly, but along those lines.
>  OR you can add it verbatim to the end of
>  rc.local ( wherever that start-up file is on your system )
> -- 
> Cowboy
> http://cowboy.cwf1.com
> People who claim they don't let little things bother them have never
> slept in a room with a single mosquito.
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