Ok more info I have for you 
1 in the cat /var/log/messages:  we get this [ May 25 13:40:58 rdserver 
rpc.mountd[3192]: refused mount request from for /dev/snd (/): no 
export entry}
Curt the info you requested follows (my bad forgot to put space between Cat and 
1.1 cat /etc/host returns this output
 [root@rdserver ~]# cat /etc/hosts    rdserver    rdclienta    localhost.localdomain    localhost.localdomain    localhost4    
localhost4.localdomain4    localhost    rdserver
::1    localhost.localdomain    localhost.localdomain    localhost6    
localhost6.localdomain6    localhost    rdserver
1.2 Cat /etc/host output returns this 
[root@rdserver ~]# cat /etc/exports
# NFS exports.  Modified by HL 09/4/2015 to export the sound library
#               Modified by HL 13/05/2015 for new address range
/var/snd  ,nohide,insecure,no_subtree_check,sync)
[root@rdserver ~]# 
1.3 cat /etc/hosts. allow output returns this 
hosts.allow    This file contains access rules which are used to
#        allow or deny connections to network services that
#        either use the tcp_wrappers library or that have been
#        started through a tcp_wrappers-enabled xinetd.
#        See 'man 5 hosts_options' and 'man 5 hosts_access'
#        for information on rule syntax.
#        See 'man tcpd' for information on tcp_wrappers

hope this is of some use.


> Date: Mon, 25 May 2015 13:04:43 +0100
> From: waynemerri...@thevoiceasia.com
> To: rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
> Subject: Re: [RDD] No Play out on Cart Wall
> True enough, I think I'm missing part of the conversation where someone 
> told him to do a mount -t nfs, I figured it must have been in the fstab 
> (it isn't).
> If you can't do:
> sudo mount -t nfs serverip:/path/to/snd /var/snd
> e.g.
> sudo mount -t nfs /var/snd
> Then you need to look at the /etc/exports file on the server and/or 
> check to see if nfs-kernel-server is installed (not sure of the Centos 
> package name).
> Wayne Merricks
> The Voice Asia
> On 25/05/15 12:18, Cowboy wrote:
> > On Monday 25 May 2015 07:10:31 am Graham Wilman wrote:
> >> Hi Wayne
> >> Output from nano /etc/fstab
> >> #
> >> # /etc/fstab
> >> # Created by anaconda on Sun Apr  5 17:36:55 2015
> >> #
> >> # Modified HL to include /var/snd  06/04/2015
> >> #
> >   Personally, I would NOT go modifying fstab until I had
> >   it working from the command line.
> >   But, that's me.
> >
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