On Sunday 31 May 2015 03:49:10 pm Graham Wilman wrote:
> Well back to square one 

 Not necessarily.
 the history command can be your friend.

> after getting the play out working on clienta terminal for the past 6 days
> the decision was taken today to get clientb terminal working which it now 
> partially is 
> unfortunately once all 3 terminals the server.clienta and clientb were 
> rebooted I could
> not get play out to work on clienta again 

 Re-booted why ?
 I've often said that rebooting a *nix machine is usually a bad idea.

 In this case, it sounds like it was actually a good idea, as it tells you
 that you "solved" nothing. It's still broken, and always was.

> not only that but the buttons in rdlogedit were all greyed out on clientb
> and I couldn't access the main log in Rivendell airplay which had been set up

> 0n the main server clientb could not see the log,
> the best way forward now is to try and troubleshoot the problems first
> and then come up with a permanent solution to keep all these problems at bay,

 The best way forward, is a *systematic* approach.
 One thing at a time, and keep notes.

> having said all that the last couple of commands showing in the previous
> emails is  what got clienta working last time tried them again but no success 
> this time.           

 I suspect not !!

 The last couple merely built on something else that had come before.

 *Systematic* troubleshooting.
 What does that tell you ?
 Have the directories been mounted ?
 If not, can you manually mount them from the command line ?
 If so, then your start-up scripts need looked at.
 If not, then you need to find out why, but do not randomly try
 hap-hazard things. That will only cloud the issues. 
 If not, is the server refusing, or is the client not making the proper request 
 Is it syntax, or making the request in the wrong order ?
 Step by step, one thing at a time.



Old age is the most unexpected of things that can happen to a man.
                -- Trotsky
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