Hi Nicholas,

You're correct - it has been covered before.  The quick answer is no -
there is no complete version of Rivendell which will run under Windows. 
There are a few of the apps (rdlogedit, rdlogmanager, rdsoftkeys, and
rmlsend) which have Windows builds.  But the core of the system relies
on features that you can find in Linux, but don't have Windows
equivalents (the way that Windows handles, or mishandles is perhaps a
better term - file sharing and needs file locks to make things happy
comes to mind)

I'm a little surprised that you're having difficulty with your ASI card
in Linux.  As far as I am aware, the card you have is supported by the
HPI driver.

For sites that do want to have Windows desktops but also want to run
Rivendell / Linux, the options are to either remote desktop (VNC) into
the Rivendell machine, or it is also possible to run X on Windows to
access the Linux box (xming seems to work well for this).  But either of
these options still needs to have a working Linux / Rivendell setup

Lorne Tyndale

> So, this question may be pointless, but I feel like I should ask it anyway.
> Backstory: I've had a awfully frustrating time getting my ASI 5211 card
> working on Linux. That doesn't even begin to cover the installation and
> setup of Rivendell... which everyone keeps praising, but so far, haven't
> witnessed the pluses of it firsthand.
> After chatting with the AudioScience crew, I was informed that with the
> card in question, it might be easier to standardize on Windows 10. Their
> ASIControl system is Windows only, and Axia ships a number of tools for
> Windows as well (we will eventually be on Axia, and I'm trying to
> futureproof this rig).
> So, if I decide to go this route (which, being a Mac/Linux guy I'm finally
> at peace with), can I run Rivendell on Windows, or is that a fool's errand?
> I'm looking for the best solution that will (a) keep us on the air
> reliably, and (b) end this frustrating battle that I've waged thus far.
> Nicholas<hr>_______________________________________________
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