
Am 14.10.2015 um 12:36 schrieb Rick Thomas:
> Thanks, Christian…
> Your reply is very helpful!
glad to hear.

> Is it possible to run parted (or anything else capable of creating a GPT 
> partition table) while in the installer?  In Debian I know that hiting 
> <alt>-F2 gets me a text shell console.  But I’m new to CentOS and the 
> Anaconda installer — does it have a similar feature?
Sorry i don't really know the installer because i never used it.

> Alternatively, I guess I could do the installation with the 3TB disks but 
> using only 2T on each, then after the installation is over and it’s booted 
> into the installed system, I can manually re-partition the disks using parted 
> and a GPT table.
> Do you think that would work?  Can you think of any “gotchas” I’m likely to 
> hit?
If you use the disks only for /var/snd data store this will definitely
work. But in that case i would leave the drives untouched by the
installer and create the raid later.
In case you also want other partitions for example of the system to
reside on the same drives this will make problems because you can either
use gpt or dos partition tables per drive but not both at the same time.
It still can work though... here would be the steps to do this:

 - create a DOS partition table on both disks and install the system on
   the RAID created by the installer - leave the vast majority of the
   disk unpartioned -> ther is no point in creating a partition which
   you will through away later
 - log into the new system and use the following command to remove on
   of the drives from the raid:

    # mdadm /dev/md0 --fail /dev/sda1
    # mdadm /dev/md0 --remove /dev/sda1

 - use parted to create a gpt on /dev/sda and create 1 small (~32MB)
   partion and set the flag bios_grub on it. Create another partition
   for the system and one for /var/snd and set the raid flag on both of
   them. The system partition must have the same size of the system
   partition on the other drive which is still use - you can check this
   with: # parted /dev/sdb -- unit s print

   # parted /dev/sda
       > mklabel gpt
       > mkpart
          > name = <doesn't mather>
          > fstype = <doesn't mather>
          > start = 2048s (should be the default)
          > end = +32M
       > set 1 bios_grub on
       > mkpart
          > name = <doesn't mather>
          > fstype = <doesn't mather>
          > start = use default aka just hit enter
          > end = +<the number of sectors as shown by the command above>
       > set 2 raid on
       > mkpart
          > name = <doesn't mather>
          > fstype = <doesn't mather>
          > start = use default aka just hit enter
          > end = -1
       > set 3 raid on
       > quit

 -  now you need to re-add the new system partition to the system raid

    # mdadam /dev/md0 --add /dev/sda2

 -  create the raid for /var/snd

    # mdadm --create /dev/md1 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda3

 -  wait for the system raid to resync:

    # while sleep 1; do clear; cat /proc/mdstat; done

 - remove the other system disk from the raid:

    # mdadm /dev/md0 --fail /dev/sdb1
    # mdadm /dev/md0 --remove /dev/sdb1

 - now use parted and create the complete same setup for sdb as sda

    # parted /dev/sdb

 - add /dev/sdb partitions to both raids:

    # mdadm /dev/md0 --add /dev/sdb2
    # mdadm /dev/md1 --add /dev/sdb3

 - reinstall/reconfigure grub

    # grub-install /dev/sda
    # grub-install /dev/sdb
    # update-grub

 - before you reboot you should at least wait for the system raid to

 - reboot

Now you can create a filesystem on /dev/md1 or a LVM or wathever you
want... actually the reboot is not really necessary but as you had to
redo the bootloader setup it's nice to see whether the system still boots.

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