On Tue, 21 Jun 2016 14:18:57 +0100
Andy Higginson <a...@higgles.co.uk> wrote:

> Is it worth me taking a look at the beta CentOS 7 version of the
> appliance or should I forget this for now?

 Fred tells me with great regularity that he has had no trouble whatever
 with CentOS 7 **PROVIDED** you use the XFCE desktop and not Gnome3
 under any circumstances whatever.

 I've found a number of instabilities with various CentOS 7 updates
 that have absolutely nothing to do with Rivendell, such as the native
 supplied e-mail client crashing instantly, but the reality is that
 running e-mail on a professional broadcast machine is truly 
 a fools errand, contraindicated, and if you do that, then you
 really deserve the very predictable consequences.

 I've found that with the various issues on CentOS 7, mostly created
 by me, none have affected Rivendell in any unpredictable way.

 All that said, beta is beta. Yes, we run it here at Radio America
 on some machines, but none that directly affect the revenue stream.

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