On Jun 21, 2016, at 09:18, Andy Higginson <a...@higgles.co.uk> wrote:

> As far as the CentOS version goes, I've just installed that onto a test 
> machine, and when I get time, I'm having a play.  Being used to the regular 
> updates of Ubuntu etc, the one thing that did surprise me was the Kernel 
> version and age of the OS.  However, I suppose that this only really needs to 
> be updated to support major new pieces of hardware, and that stability is the 
> most important thing in the broadcast world.

Correct.  That is the whole philosophy of an ‘Enterprise’ distro in a nutshell. 
 Security fixes from subsequent kernels and userland utils are back ported by 
RedHat and then distributed as sub-point updates, so the system stays ‘current’ 
where it counts while also remaining stable.  This is all-important when 
dealing with large deployments.

>  Is it worth me taking a look at the beta CentOS 7 version of the appliance 
> or should I forget this for now?

Rivendell has actually been working well on CentOS 7 for some time.  The 
Appliance however has been problematical because Kickstart (the system that 
allows automated installations) does not play well with the current UEFI BIOes. 


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |              Chief Developer             |
|                           |              Paravel Systems             |
|          A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
|                                         -- Cicero                    |

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