I usually have Ubuntu 14.04 Server which is probably not much different to Debian 8. I don't use 16.04 for anything critical in house but someone on the list wanted to use Rivendell on it and I didn't think it would be too difficult to sort out (it isn't but the MySQL date/time changes were unexpected and I still don't know why fonts won't respect system settings).

I do have one exception, I use Mattermost for show message aggregation (Email, Phones, Facebook and Twitter), it actually requires MySQL 5.6 or 5.7 for some stupid reason so that was my first foray into lets upgrade 14.04 oh crap everything broke (seriously everything, apache, mysql and php all failed and thats all I had on this internal web server/dev machine). It was fairly trivial to fix but it certainly wasn't something I expected to die.

In the past newer kernels for hardware support on client machines are usually the only other reason I've used Ubuntu.

Mattermost is here if you want to check it out: http://www.mattermost.org. It is meant to be some sort of internal work chat thing instead of using emails but I found it more useful as a radio presenter aggregation screen.

I installed an XMPP (Phones) and Email plugin. Then wrote my own one for Facebook, it has really helped save us from death by dozens of screens (Rivendell, Email, Facebook/Social, Phones, Video Mixing + Autocue and random web site stuff for show purposes can eat through 5+ screens very easily).

On 2016-06-23 19:20, Rob Landry wrote:

Why do folks prefer Ubuntu to Debian? For a mission-critical
application like radio automation, I prefer to rely on a more
conservative distribution that might not have the latest bells and
whistles but is rock stable. Debian 8 is still on mysql 5.5.


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