
I think you are on the right tracks here with having all of the Rivendell base 
components in one package and the GUI in another.  That way you have the 
breakdown of software needed for both a stand alone machine and a Client / 
Server setup.

Has anyone looked at Launchpad yet?  This is the backend that drives Ubuntu 
PPAs.  I don't know enough about building packages to know where to go with 
this but using this would "meld" it into the Ubuntu way of doing things.  Using 
this as a base you could build an ISO with the Rivendell software "installed" 
and with the PPA already in the software sources.  Similar in some ways to the 
way it's done with the Centos Appliance ISO.


---- On Mon, 29 Aug 2016 21:32:58 +0100 David Klann<dkl...@linux.com> wrote 
 > tl;dr: What's the best way to package Rivendell for Debian? 
 > I'm willing to help with the Rivendell packaging. I think it needs some 
 > community discussion. I like some things about the way in which the 
 > Tryphon packages are split up, but I think it needs a little more 
 > thought and attention. 
 > The Rivendell components at debian.tryphon.eu are split into these five 
 > Debian packages (from 'apt-get search rivendell|sort'): 
 > librivendell - Rivendell library - C++ runtime library 
 > rivendell - contains a set of functionality needed to operate a radio 
 > automation system 
 > rivendell-doc - Documentation for Rivendell 
 > rivendell-metalive - Rivendell Loadable Module for metalive 
 > rivendell-server - Rivendell server part 
 > with the three most interesting packages being librivendell, rivendell, 
 > and rivendell-server. 
 > The package (with a somewhat misleading name) "rivendell-server" 
 > includes only the pieces related to the Rivendell web services API. 
 > The package "librivendell" includes /usr/lib/librd* and 
 > /usr/lib/librdhpi* as well as the .qm files for the various translations. 
 > And the package "rivendell" includes pretty much the rest of a complete 
 > Rivendell installation, including the executables, the .desktop files, 
 > the example rd.conf files, etc. 
 > I'd kind of like to see packages split up a little differently. What do 
 > people think about splitting them up according to the type of 
 > installation one would set up on a computer? That is, maybe a 
 > "rivendell-server" package that would contain just the "headless" 
 > components, and maybe a "rivendell-client" package that contains the GUI 
 > components. 
 > Another option (and likely highly desirable) would be to mirror the 
 > current (reference) CentOS scheme with the packages "rivendell-base", 
 > "rivendell-install", and "rivendell". We might even adapt the 
 > install_rivendell.sh script from "rivendell-install" for Debian? 
 > These are but a couple options for packaging, what makes sense to you? 
 >   ~David Klann 

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