Hi Ivan,

This script run each day at a convenient time does the backup and housework


#! /bin/bash
#first erase old file from a week ago
ERASE='DatabaseBackup'$(date --date '7 days ago' +%h-%d-%y)
echo $ERASE
rm -f "/home/rd/dropbox/$ERASE.sql"
#now dump todays file
NOW='DatabaseBackup'$(date +%h-%d-%y)
echo $NOW
mysqldump -u root Rivendell --lock-tables=false >/home/rd/dropbox/$NOW.sql

# optional

/usr/bin/mail -s "backup completed" you@your.email || /usr/bin/mail -s "backup failed" you@your.email




On 25/02/17 06:08, Ivan James wrote:

1. Now and next Issue RV2.5.5 I can't seem to set up now and next. I and trying to get now and next to send data out I have configure it according to data that I found In wiki and in Threads and its not working. to this project well ill be feeding Stream to internet encoder and also a RDBS Encoder.
Does someone have a step by step guide on configuration guide.

2. We also recently develop another issue pertaining to making backups on RDadmin. We get the error Unable to create backup. I also have a couple of questions Would it be possible to use Phpmyadmin to look at the database and make backups. A friend suggested to use Mysql ODBC connector. I Think PHPMyadmin would be more practical.

3 we also notice that Centos made the partition that The OS is at Quite Small.I need to know if te music is stored in the same partition or in another partition. Iam thinking have anothe server so we can do production.

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