On Fri, 3 Mar 2017 11:07:22 -0500
drew Roberts <zotz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >> %br
> >> (What is this?)
> >>  
> >   This is what the code the streaming Service we use told me to add
> >  
> Then I suggest you ask them what that is as I can't help you with
> that.
> >
> > What is your set up.
> > I am using secure net streaming service


 Securenet is a dyed-in-the-wool M$ Windows shop.

 They also have some issue I've never quite gotten explained, in spite
 of being a SecureNet partner myself...

 They have a Rivendell compatibility module from who-knows-where
 If you tell them you are using Rivendell for program aux data,
 ( now and next, and such ) they will use their broken module and
 it will not work.
 Tell them instead to use the PAD module, and it will work fine.

 This, of course, is after they tell you that you can not encode a
 stream on anything except M$ windows...

 This all has to do with lawyers, the Clintons, and their ilk.
 The CRAP... er ... ( congress re-named it so people won't think
 it's crap ) CARP thing where the librarian makes law about paying
 lawyers representing the US music industry.



The trouble with heart disease is that the first symptom is often hard
to deal with: death.
                -- Michael Phelps

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