(What is this?)
By the way what arethe codes that need to be at the end of the sequence. I will let the streaming service now what we need to use. They can tell me what can work. Are you using Rivendell for over air waves like a FM station or Online or Both.

On 2017-03-03 07:28, drew Roberts wrote:

this first bit may not be helpful enough but let's check everything.
(A lot here and a bit more inline below it.)

So, you are sending:

%n - The currently-playing CART NUMBER
(Any reason for listeners to know which cart is playing?)

%g - The currently-playing GROUP NAME
(Music, Traffic, etc.)

%h - The length of the currently playing cut, in mS.
(That is in milliseconds, right?)

%t - The currently-playing TITLE field
(To be expected.)

%a - The currently-playing ARTIST field
(To be expected.)

%y - The currently-playing YEAR field
(OK, I have never sent this but no problem.)

(What is this?)

Do you mean to put:

%b - The currently-playing LABEL field
(The record label, right)

%r - A "Unix" style newline (naked ASCII 10)
(To end the format string.)

On Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 10:42 PM, Ivan James
<ija...@jamcorbroadcast.com> wrote:


Here is my set up
RD Airplay> Now and Next Parameters
IP> Is the IP Of the Machine I have Streaming Encoder

So, you have a box on site that is a streaming encoder? Or is this box

UDP String %n|%g|%h|%t|%a|%y|%br ( This is what the Streaming
service said to use)

I have never seen anyone putting this detail of metadata in their
stream but fine if you need it and it works. (Except see above.)

UDP Is set to 6000

I think you mean UDP Port is 6000. ok.

Manage Groups> Music and other Music like Groups NOW and Next is
(CHECKED Enabled) Transmit Now and Next Data
That's my setup

Looks fine.

Have you tried setting up a local netcat on a different port and
changing the UDP port temporarily and sending to that instead of your
streaming encoder just to see what happens?

How do you yo have yours configured

I just checked my main machine and think I am using rlm's there but
will dig a little further if we don't sort it.

Thanks for your Help

No problem.

all the best,


On 2017-03-02 10:55, drew Roberts wrote:


if you will document your now and next setup, I will take a shot at
helping you to get it working.

all the best,


On Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 9:19 AM, Ivan James
<ija...@jamcorbroadcast.com> wrote:

Does anyone have any suggestion on my issue with Now and next.

On 2017-02-24 12:08, Ivan James wrote:

1. Now and next Issue RV2.5.5 I can't seem to set up now and next.
and trying to get now and next to send data out I have configure
according to data that I found In wiki and in Threads and its not
working. to this project well ill be feeding Stream to internet
encoder and also a RDBS Encoder.
Does someone have a step by step guide on configuration guide.

2. We also recently develop another issue pertaining to making
on RDadmin. We get the error Unable to create backup.
I  also have a couple of questions Would it be possible to use
Phpmyadmin to look at the database and make backups. A friend
suggested to use Mysql ODBC connector. I Think PHPMyadmin would be
more practical.

3 we also notice that Centos made the partition that The OS is at
Quite Small.I need to know if te music is stored in the same
or in another partition. Iam thinking have anothe server so we can

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