
if you will document your now and next setup, I will take a shot at helping
you to get it working.

all the best,


On Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 9:19 AM, Ivan James <ija...@jamcorbroadcast.com>

> Does anyone have any suggestion on my issue with Now and next.
> Thanks
> On 2017-02-24 12:08, Ivan James wrote:
>> 1. Now and next Issue RV2.5.5 I can't seem to set up now and next. I
>> and trying to get now and next to send data out I have configure it
>> according to data that I found In wiki and in Threads and its not
>> working. to this project well ill be feeding Stream to internet
>> encoder and also a RDBS Encoder.
>> Does someone have a step by step guide on configuration guide.
>> 2. We also recently develop another issue pertaining to making backups
>> on RDadmin. We get the error Unable to create backup.
>> I  also have a couple of questions Would it be possible to use
>> Phpmyadmin to look at the database and make backups. A friend
>> suggested to use Mysql ODBC connector. I Think PHPMyadmin would be
>> more practical.
>> 3 we also notice that Centos made the partition that The OS is at
>> Quite Small.I need to know if te music is stored in the same partition
>> or in another partition. Iam thinking have anothe server so we can do
>> production.
>> Thanks
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