On Wednesday 17 May 2017 09:59:57 am Richard Gorbutt wrote:
> Many way to mitigate potential disasters. Always protect the cash-flow (and
> have fun!)

 In case Richard forgot to mention it, always protect the cash-flow !!

On Wednesday 17 May 2017 09:57:02 am Tom Van Gorkom wrote:
> So I'm curious as to whether any of you have a way to log into your airplay
> machines or other boxes on Riv at night or weekends from home if something
> isn't right? 

 A sacrificial lamb.

 First, you ssh into the lamb through an obscure port.
 That gets you a bash prompt.
 Then, depending on which machine needs access, you can ssh direct to
 a couple of the less critical machines, or ssh another intermediate hop
 to get to critical machines.
 That gets you a bash prompt.
 If you need a GUI, such as various Rivendell parts, you then have the
 opportunity to set those up, from a command prompt.

 Partially security through obscurity. Partially real security.

 If the lamb is compromised, not that big a deal.
 If you can get past it, then you're better than I am, and that could be a real 
problem !



"I argue very well.  Ask any of my remaining friends.  I can win an
argument on any topic, against any opponent.  People know this, and
steer clear of me at parties.  Often, as a sign of their great respect,
they don't even invite me."
                -- Dave Barry
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