On Sep 19, 2017, at 13:11, Tim Camp <t...@dotcom1.net> wrote:

> There is a Livewire driver for Rivendell. Check with Paravell for details. At 
> one time it had to be licensed through Telos but I'm not sure now.

There is a Livewire driver for Linux and we do sell it, but I’m afraid that it 
will not be suitable for this specific project.  See below...

> Thanks for all the replies, I forgot to say we have a dedicated T1 to the 
> transmitter site with a wireless T1 backup. Transmitter for this site is 
> probably gonna be a flex from gate air.

T1 does not provide adequate bandwidth for native Livewire.  Each Livewire 
stream is PCM24 @ 48000 samples per second stereo, which works out to around 
2.3 MBit/sec/steam, whereas T1 tops out at 1.5 MBit/sec.  However, there are 
number IP radios that can transmit Livewire very well.  Axia support can 
provide info regarding specific makes and models if that’s an approach you’d 
like to explore.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |              Chief Developer             |
|                           |              Paravel Systems             |
|          A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
|                                         -- Cicero                    |
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