We've had a problem with broadcast volume levels, and we've settled on
using a normalization level of -5 when importing into the library. The
engineer has tweaked the transmission as best he can without bothering the
nearby airport.

There are still a bunch of carts that were imported at -13.

Someone started re-importing them manually to raise the norm level. I told
them I could script it and do the whole library automatically. Now I need
to deliver.

Is it safe to do something as simple as having the script go to /var/snd
and run:
for i in *.wav ; do sox --norm=-5 "$i" /tmp/"$i" && cp /tmp/"$i" "$i" ; done

Oh yeah, there will be rm /tmp/"$i" in there, too. Just noticed that.

I ran a quick test, and it seems to work. Seems too easy. Am I missing

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