On Nov 14, 2018, at 19:37, Stan Fotinos <sfoti...@rtrfm.com.au> wrote:

> Just out of interest, what will this be replaced by or the alternative be for 
> version 3.x?

When the Win32 sub-package was originally done (ca. 2003) there were not a lot 
of good options for getting Windows users access to a Linux desktop. Hence, a 
Win32 port made sense as a way to allow access to Rivendell's scheduling tools 
[rdlogedit(1) and rdlogmanager(1)] by people whose other applications were 
traditionally Windows-based —e.g. Traffic and Music Directors.

Today, that’s no longer the case. It’s now straightforward to configure one or 
more virtual desktops on a Linux host that can be accessed via VNC from a 
Windows desktop via a simple double-click. Seeing as the changes introduced in 
v3.x would have required a major rework of the Win32 port and that easy 
alternatives are available, it was decided retire the Win32 port and devote the 
development resources thus freed to further improvement of the core Rivendell 

All that said, and to answer your question, here are some of the possible 

1) VNC into a Linux/Rivendell desktop instance (see above)

2) Rivendell-Producer. This is a set of applets that can be used to access 
Rivendell remotely, by means of the Web API. It includes a reasonably 
full-featured log editing tool that is designed to match closely the 
look-and-feel of rdlogedit(1). The package can be built to run on both Linux 
and Windows. A Win32 installer package will be made available as part of the 
v3.x beta testing effort. Sources are available at:



| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |              Chief Developer             |
|                           |              Paravel Systems             |
|          A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
|                                         -- Cicero                    |
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