PERFECT!  This is just what I was looking for.

Thanks Cowboy,


On 11/15/2018 6:59 AM, Cowboy wrote:
On Thu, 15 Nov 2018 06:31:00 -0600
Alan Smith <> wrote:

Does anyone know if  x11vnc and vnc-server can peacefully co-exist
(assuming they are configured on different ports)?  One would be used
for desktop sharing/file transfers by support staff, the other for
clock/log maintenance by the remaining station staff.
  Yes they can. Easily, almost a no-brainer.

  I do this quite often, via ssh.
  ( the default vnc port gets hammered by crackers, and a bug in vnc
  logging will fill a terabyte in a couple days )
  Let's assume your target host system is in DNS as
  and that you've re-located ssh to listen to port 2525.

  ssh -X -L 5900:localhost:5900 -p 2525

  Now that you're in through ssh, at the command line on target, start up x11vnc
  x11vnc -nopw -display :0 -connect localhost

  Note that if vnc-server is already listening on port 5900, x11vnc will use 
  so the numbers above become 5900:localhost:5901

  Note that -nopw is because I have decided that since this is not running
  except when explicitly called, ssh provides the security.

  Now from a different command console, or a GUI, either way
  vncviewer localhost

  Any number of port combinations and configurations are possible.

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