On Tuesday 16 June 2009 10:58:41 Thomas Friedrichsmeier wrote:
> Hi,
> On Monday 15 June 2009, Stefan Rödiger wrote:
> > I wonder if there is any news regarding QtScript. Will it be the future
> > or are there other candidates/suggestions/solutions?
> no, not really. I have looked at bit closer at Kross, and that seems like a
> good solution for the implementation (also, it's already in kdelibs).
> However, Kross is only the bridge, not the scripting language itself. In
> theory Kross supports using a variety of different scripting languages, but
> I think that's a terribly good idea in the long run.

If I remember correctly the Amarok devs also dropped support for a couple of 
languages. They had to 
much of everything.
At the end it sounds like a nightmare for me too. True, one solution that fits 
all needs is best. As 
long it is something common. Qtscript might indeed match this demand somehow.

> QtScript still is the most likely candidate for the language, I think.g
> However, I'd like to do a bit of experimenting, before reaching a final
> decision.
> One pre-requisite to working on this, is to have basic automatic plugin
> testing (see
> http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/rkward/index.php?title=Feature_Plan#A
>utomated_Plugin_Testing ), so we don't run into too many unpleasant
> surprises.

In any  case it means a rewrite of many plug-ins. Therefore it's better to have 
a solution which 
works in the long run. I'll wait so long.

> Regards
> Thomas


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