Am Mittwoch 09 Dezember 2009 13:14:35 schrieb Thomas Friedrichsmeier:
> Hi,
> On Wednesday 02 December 2009, Stefan Rödiger wrote:
> > I read about QtScript in another thread and I wonder when it will be
> >  useable (or for testing). I'm looking forward to this.
> sorry that it took me this long to reply (and even longer since announcing
>  I would write about this, "real soon now").

No problem here.

>  I still haven't written up
>  everything, properly, but now, finally, here's some documentation on the
>  current status, and what still needs to be done:
> gins_from_PHP_to_JS .

Great, I hope to get some things done over x-mas.

> The most important things in short:
> 1) The basic QtScript backend is in place, and in fact, if you've used a
> plotting plugin, recently, you will have used it: The plot_options-plugin
>  is already converted to QtScript.

Seems I did without knowing (BWT, it worked ;) ).

> 2) So far, the QtScript backend can serve as a replacement of the PHP
>  backend (see below), but no more than that. All the additional GUI
>  scripting features that I've mentioned before just aren't there, yet, and
>  it may take considerable time, before they are. So, the - somewhat boring
>  - task at hand is merely to obsolete the PHP backend, completely. Adding
>  and using good new stuff comes later.

Sound more than reasonable to me.

> 3) All .php-files need conversion. Luckily much of that work has already
>  been done by a script (rkward/plugins/php2js.js, if you're curious).
>  However, that script just isn't perfect, and each and every plugin will
>  need to be checked by hand. See
> gins_from_PHP_to_JS#QtScript for details.


> 4) The plan for the next steps is this:
> 4a) If you have written a plugin, and you have any time at all, ATM, do an
>   svn up
> Pick *one* (or two) of your plugins, and convert it according to the steps
> detailed in the wiki (ask, if you need help).

Okay, I will try to do this soonish. There was nothing new in the making but I 
plan some improvements e.g. for the boxplot plugin.

> Please try to get this done a week from now, or let us know, if you need
>  more time. I know this is rather short notice, but I hope to get 4b going
>  before the end-of-year weeks.

Hups, this will be hard since I have a paper to write and some students (more 
than usual) to take care of. But lets see.

> 4b) If you have fundamental objections, raise them right after 4a. If you
> think some details could be improved, write about that as soon as possible,
>  as well. This will be the last chance to discuss matters that might mean
>  changing something for all JS-files / plugins. If you haven't raised your
>  voice before the end of the year, expect to be told "it's too late for
>  that". (If you want an extension of the deadline, speak up, now).

There are no objections just some work that needs to be done.

> 4c) After that, we need to convert all the plugins, one by one. For most
> plugins, this should be a matter of (few) minutes, but overall, it will
>  take time. I'd like to finish this before February, at the latest.

Okay. Close shedule but let's work on it.

> Regards
> Thomas


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