
am Donnerstag 10 Dezember 2009 (09:51) schrieb Thomas Friedrichsmeier:
> glad you like it.

i sure do. another *great* improvement is that rkward doesn't freeze 
completely anymore if the plugin code is messed up. the error messages are 
very helpful now when you're working on the script code.

> Originally, one reason for picking PHP as the scripting language was that it
> supports templating with "<? and ?>". But in fact, by now, I believe it
> probably did more harm than good for the plugins

i know what you mean. i often used echo() for small fragments in php already, 
but over time some complex structures the like of

  lines of R code
 ?>} else {<?
  lines of  R code
 else ...

evolved from a simple one-liner, which at a certain point i found ugly to 
debug myself. especially as long as the global error message was like "now you 
made me freeze, think again", which often translated to "you thought you just 
changed a tiny bit, but let me tell you that now somewhere *else* in your 
script one of 126 brackets or 243 semicolons is wrong or missing, and i won't 
tell you where to look: good hunting" ;-)

> I.e. if there is only one statement after the "if", and it's on the same
> line, and nothing else is on that line, braces are not required.

yes, i was aware of that. i'll probably omit the brackets for single 
statements in the future, if it's ok.

> Another small hint: To append to the end of an array in JS, you can also
> write:
>    array_variable.push (new_element);

actually i knew that, too, but was focussed on the functionality. would you 
prefer the use of push instead of length? i didn't think much about it but 
simply took the alternative that seemed to be more backwards compatible, but 
surely we don't have to care about earlier JS implementations.

viele grüße :: m.eik

dipl. psych. meik michalke
institut f"ur experimentelle psychologie
abt. f"ur diagnostik und differentielle psychologie
heinrich-heine-universit"at 40225 d"usseldorf

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