
On Wednesday 02 December 2009, Stefan Rödiger wrote:
> I read about QtScript in another thread and I wonder when it will be
>  useable (or for testing). I'm looking forward to this.

sorry that it took me this long to reply (and even longer since announcing I 
would write about this, "real soon now"). I still haven't written up 
everything, properly, but now, finally, here's some documentation on the 
current status, and what still needs to be done: 
The most important things in short:

1) The basic QtScript backend is in place, and in fact, if you've used a 
plotting plugin, recently, you will have used it: The plot_options-plugin is 
already converted to QtScript.

2) So far, the QtScript backend can serve as a replacement of the PHP backend 
(see below), but no more than that. All the additional GUI scripting features 
that I've mentioned before just aren't there, yet, and it may take 
considerable time, before they are. So, the - somewhat boring - task at hand 
is merely to obsolete the PHP backend, completely. Adding and using good new 
stuff comes later.

3) All .php-files need conversion. Luckily much of that work has already been 
done by a script (rkward/plugins/php2js.js, if you're curious). However, that 
script just isn't perfect, and each and every plugin will need to be checked 
by hand. See 
for details.

4) The plan for the next steps is this:
4a) If you have written a plugin, and you have any time at all, ATM, do an 
  svn up
Pick *one* (or two) of your plugins, and convert it according to the steps 
detailed in the wiki (ask, if you need help). 
Please try to get this done a week from now, or let us know, if you need more 
time. I know this is rather short notice, but I hope to get 4b going before 
the end-of-year weeks.

4b) If you have fundamental objections, raise them right after 4a. If you 
think some details could be improved, write about that as soon as possible, as 
well. This will be the last chance to discuss matters that might mean changing 
something for all JS-files / plugins. If you haven't raised your voice before 
the end of the year, expect to be told "it's too late for that". (If you want 
an extension of the deadline, speak up, now).

4c) After that, we need to convert all the plugins, one by one. For most 
plugins, this should be a matter of (few) minutes, but overall, it will take 
time. I'd like to finish this before February, at the latest.


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