My brother recently got a Sansa and I put Rockbox on it for him this weekend.
There are some different things that I find inconsistent with other
targets, but it is not a bad choice of use for the buttons. I expected
the context menu on a long press of Select, too. But the Sansa has a
second menu button (the ON button is the first). It is very convenient
to have the context menu on a short press, I could adapt to this quite
fast. The quickmenu on the other hand doesn't feel right to me.

I agree with Llorean that there should be a core of buttons that is
the same on every target. But for me the core is only cursor movement,
menu, select, play. It is possible to use (almost) every feature of
Rockbox with only these buttons.

Everything else should be mapped to buttons that feel natural for a
certain target. When there are buttons with a function in the original
firmware that we can use for the same purpose, then we should do this,
but only if it makes sense in the context of Rockbox. A good example
is the Sansa context menu button. An example where we don't want the
original button use is the A-B button on the IRivers.

My position on the Rec button is clear, I don't want to repeat it
here. Only one addition: The use we find for the Rec button in the
Iriver could (and should, imho) be applied to the Sansa, too.


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