Daniel Dalton wrote:
I was just trying to look  for a solution to accessibility, since it
doesn't seem to be a priority.

Given the current level of accessibility Rockbox provides, how can you say that the Rockbox developers don't give it a priority.

Of course it can be improved (as can all aspects of Rockbox), but the problem is that every Rockbox developer only has a limited amount of free time, so they prioritise things of interest to them (either because they want the feature, they think it will be good for Rockbox, or they find it an interesting programming problem).

Regarding the issue of voice in plugins, your approach (add everything to the main voice file) simply won't work on many Rockbox targets - I'm sure you know the old Archos devices only have 2MB RAM, but there are also lots of new ports in development that have that amount of RAM, and some have even less.

But as others have said - work was done over the summer to implement this the "right way", and hopefully that will find its way into SVN soon.

In the long term, I think you will gain by ensuring your changes work across as many different devices as possible - the more devices that Rockbox runs on, the more potential developers there are.

But I accept that a major reason for patches not being committed is the fact that existing committers don't spend enough time reviewing patches and then either committing the patch or telling the author why it's not committable.

Unfortunately we're all doing this in our (often very limited) spare time.


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