Karl Kurbjun wrote:

I think that any button that does not have an obvious function based
on it's label could be considered spare as long as the main functions
are present
Who decides what the main functions are? Is "context menu" a main function, or should that be configurable? What about the existing pitch-screen combination? Is "resume playback" a main function or not, since you can already get to it from the menu? What about players that have two buttons labelled to do the same thing - do we keep both or is one spare? If so, which one?
For example the M:Robe 500 has a heart button on it.  I no
idea what the obvious intended function would be for that button in
The "obvious" intended function depends entirely on what other buttons are on it. If you've got "every button but a menu button" labeled, then the Heart button makes perfect sense to be the menu button, etc. This still also doesn't address how to decide which buttons are spare and which are essential. Every user is going to have his own opinion on which functionality is "spare" based on their own use habits. Some people have already claimed seeking is unnecessary and they should be allowed to configure what long press of Next and Previous do.

Are you going to be monitoring the forums and explaining to users why the buttons they want configured aren't possible, only the buttons *you* think are unimportant get to be customizable?

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