With certain information changed, for good reason :)  
>dn: uid=bennabiy,ou=Somewhere,ou=People,dc=domain,dc=net  
>objectClass: inetOrgPerson  
>objectClass: posixAccount  
>objectClass: shadowAccount  
>cn: ben-Nabiy Derush of Somewhere  
>displayName: ben-Nabiy Derush of Somewhere  
>gecos: ben-Nabiy Derush of Somewhere  
>gidNumber: 5026  
>givenName: ben-Nabiy  
>homeDirectory: /home/bennabiy  
>loginShell: /bin/bash  
>mail: benna...@domain.net  
>mail: bennabiy...@domain.net  
>mail: b...@domain.net  
>ou: Yoceph  
>postalCode: 28636  
>shadowLastChange: 13896  
>shadowMax: 99999  
>shadowWarning: 7  
>sn: Derush  
>title: Tech  
>uid: bennabiy  
>uidNumber: 10026  userPassword: blahblahblah



>  Sun Sep 17 2017 11:00:21 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored 
>Subject: Re: LDAP / Cit-NG
>    Would it be possible to get an LDIF export of a sample user from your
>directory, who has multiple email addresses? I suspect I'm not getting the
>format in correctly. 
>The "cit[n]@[domain]" format is an automatically generated default address. 
>It should get replaced by a correct address if and when you give it one. 
>I think we're close here ... just need to work out some of the semantics and



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