And the annoying thing with the current setup. If I want to send a local
message to a user from LDAP, or invite them to a room, etc, I have to use
what is listed under displayName. That makes for some LONG user names, even
though they log in with the uid. I wish it could be choosable what gets used
for the local name. (I do not mind the displayName being shown, but it would
be good to be able to reference someone according to uid as well!)  
>  Mon Sep 18 2017 12:11:49 AM EDT from bennabiy @ Uncensored  Subject: Re:
>LDAP / Cit-NG
>With certain information changed, for good reason :)  
>>dn: uid=bennabiy,ou=Somewhere,ou=People,dc=domain,dc=net  
>>objectClass: inetOrgPerson  
>>objectClass: posixAccount  
>>objectClass: shadowAccount  
>>cn: ben-Nabiy Derush of Somewhere  
>>displayName: ben-Nabiy Derush of Somewhere  
>>gecos: ben-Nabiy Derush of Somewhere  
>>gidNumber: 5026  
>>givenName: ben-Nabiy  
>>homeDirectory: /home/bennabiy  
>>loginShell: /bin/bash  
>>ou: Yoceph  
>>postalCode: 28636  
>>shadowLastChange: 13896  
>>shadowMax: 99999  
>>shadowWarning: 7  
>>sn: Derush  
>>title: Tech  
>>uid: bennabiy  
>>uidNumber: 10026  userPassword: blahblahblah

>>  Sun Sep 17 2017 11:00:21 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored 
>>Subject: Re: LDAP / Cit-NG
>>    Would it be possible to get an LDIF export of a sample user from your
>>directory, who has multiple email addresses? I suspect I'm not getting the
>>format in correctly. 
>>The "cit[n]@[domain]" format is an automatically generated default address.
>>It should get replaced by a correct address if and when you give it one. 
>>I think we're close here ... just need to work out some of the semantics
>>and heuristics.




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