This is from the CPA spec. document:
It is a further objective of this specification to facilitate migration of 
both traditional EDI-based 415
applications and other legacy applications to platforms based on the ebXML 
specifications. In 416
particular, the CPP and CPA are components of the migration of applications 
based on the X12 417
838 Trading-Partner Profile[X12] to more automated means of setting up 
Business relationships 418
and doing Business under them. 419


At 04:42 PM 4/20/02 -0500, Rachel Foerster wrote:
>The X12 transaction is the 838 Trading Partner Profile.
>I don't know that it informed any of the work that resulted in the ebXML
>CPP/CPA specification. The foundation for this was the work donated to the
>ebXML effort by IBM.

Christopher J. Feahr, OD
Cell/Pager: 707-529-2268        

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