
The "left field" I was referring to was the UBL reference, etc. since UBL's
focus is "to define a common XML library for basic business documents like
purchase orders, invoices, and advance shipping notices." (Ref "UBL and
Industry XML Standards, 2 April 2002")


-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher J. Feahr, OD [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2002 5:43 PM
Subject: RE: Data Elements for the WEDI-SNIP-CPP

Thanks for clarifying the relationship between the CPP specification and
the separate CPP registry-structure specification.  If I understand the
immediate task assigned to me, Dave, and Marcallee, however, it is to
propose a list of data elements that we consider important in the
"WEDI-SNIP CPP".  I'm not sure I understand how am I getting off into "left
field" with this?  I'm sure it's buried in the email archive, but can you
point me again to the draft "CPP/A specification"?  I think what we are
after here is just a list of data elements, but I would welcome any further
light you can shed on the task I volunteered to help with a few weeks ago.

William: Given the unwieldy nature of this email-narrative type knowledge
we've accumulated over the last few months, what format would you suggest
for group collaboration on some draft documents?  I'm just now installing
Adobe Acrobat 5.0 and I believe that it allows many people to mark up .pdf
documents posted on a web site, using signed notes, etc. Is something like
this feasible?  The free .pdf reader would allow the whole group to read
the document and the notes, but I think you'd have to have the full version
of Acrobat to actually mark up the draft copy.

I see a need to move this effort to a more organized level, starting with
drafts of:

1. Mission and requirements list
2. Definitions of terms used in "addressing and routing"
3. Proposed data elements for the CPP record


At 04:42 PM 4/20/02 -0500, Rachel Foerster wrote:
>Chris, it's very important that you get the most current specs (draft) on
>the CPP/A specification to see what it specifies. I fear (no pun intended!)
>that you may be moving way off into left field where you may not want to
>be....perhaps yet. Let's get the core of the CPP done first.
>Rachel Foerster

Christopher J. Feahr, OD
Cell/Pager: 707-529-2268

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