The OASIS ebXML Collaboration Protocol Profile and Agreement TC Web page
is at, where the
current draft (ebCPP-1_11.pdf) of the spec can be obtained.   An even
newer CPPA Version 1.12 can be found in the e-mail archives at

As Rachel said, the "CPP/CPA is **NOT** about a registry at all. There
is a separate ebXML specification for the registry/repository portion of
the ebXML architecture."  The examination of the ebXML Registry really
comes under the "Discovery" working paper group's aegis: Peter Barry,
Joe McVerry, Dick Brooks will be studying UDDI, the ebXML Registry and
Kepa's DNS "directory" recommendation.  Your working paper group,
"Elements of the CPP,"  will be concentrating mostly on what's needed in
the ebXML CPP to support healthcare, and should be able to be designed
independently of whatever registry (or registries) the other group

I'll warn you, though, that there probably isn't too much in the CPP/A
specification that we can use directly "out of the box" - most of the
baggage in there is to support Business Processes and Messaging
Services, with nothing at all practically for "legacy" EDI support.
That's where we come in: as far as I know, we're the only folks who are
working to make the CPP support traditional EDI in a first-class way.
Except for the DeliveryChannel stuff in the CPP, you may be on your own
for defining partner capabilities as they apply to EDI.

Distributing PDF or Word documents seems perfectly okay to me, though I
know there are Linux pin-heads (no offense intended, Kepa) out there who
get all upset at the idea of using anything M$ related!!

William J. Kammerer
Novannet, LLC.
+1 (614) 487-0320

----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher J. Feahr, OD" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, 20 April, 2002 06:43 PM
Subject: RE: Data Elements for the WEDI-SNIP-CPP


Thanks for clarifying the relationship between the CPP specification and
the separate CPP registry-structure specification. If I understand the
immediate task assigned to me, Dave, and Marcallee, however, it is to
propose a list of data elements that we consider important in the
"WEDI-SNIP CPP". I'm not sure I understand how am I getting off into
"left field" with this? I'm sure it's buried in the email archive, but
can you point me again to the draft "CPP/A specification"? I think what
we are after here is just a list of data elements, but I would welcome
any further light you can shed on the task I volunteered to help with a
few weeks ago.

William: Given the unwieldy nature of this email-narrative type
knowledge we've accumulated over the last few months, what format would
you suggest for group collaboration on some draft documents? I'm just
now installing Adobe Acrobat 5.0 and I believe that it allows many
people to mark up .pdf documents posted on a web site, using signed
notes, etc. Is something like this feasible? The free .pdf reader would
allow the whole group to read the document and the notes, but I think
you'd have to have the full version of Acrobat to actually mark up the
draft copy.

I see a need to move this effort to a more organized level, starting
with drafts of:

1. Mission and requirements list
2. Definitions of terms used in "addressing and routing"
3. Proposed data elements for the CPP record


At 04:42 PM 4/20/02 -0500, Rachel Foerster wrote:
>Chris, it's very important that you get the most current specs (draft)
>the CPP/A specification to see what it specifies. I fear (no pun
>that you may be moving way off into left field where you may not want
>be....perhaps yet. Let's get the core of the CPP done first.
>Rachel Foerster

Christopher J. Feahr, OD
Cell/Pager: 707-529-2268

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