On Sun, Nov 11, 2018 at 5:02 PM Antonio <anto.tra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ffmpeg, gpac, x264 are ready; just a question: ffmpeg and x264 are
> interdependent (ffmpeg needs x264 and viceversa), how can be they
> rebuilt/updated both if wish install ffmpeg-3.3.8 + x264-0.155?
Sergio posted a link to a wiki page that covered all that kind of stuff,
one time...

Yeah, here it is: https://rpmfusion.org/ImportantDependencyLists

Well, that maybe raises as many questions as it answers.

Apparently you "build x264 with bootstrap", then build other stuff that
requires it, then "build x264 without bootstrap (depends on gpac and ffmpeg
)". But what that "bootstrap" process is... doesn't appear to be detailed
on that wiki page, at least.
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