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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Charrie Sun <>
Date: 2010/1/19
Subject: Critique of LMS and GLI-Split
To: RRG <>

Hello all,
    Since no one has written a critique of my LMS, I queried my workmates
and wrote a critique on it. As many people have pointed out, LMS is a
mapping mechanism and does not itself constitute a whole solution for the
scalability problem. Well the mechanism is based on edge-core separations
and can incorparate with proposals that need a global mapping system,
to enhance its functionalities.
    I also wrote a brief critique on GLI-Split, since I think the two
separation planes it clarifies, including the separation between identifier
and locator and the separation between local and global locator, can meet
different needs of ISPs and hosts. I had some discussions with Dr. Menth and
wrote the critique based on the discussions and rethinking. Welcome for
complement and rectifications on mine.
   Attached is my critiques and warmly welcome for comments.

Best wishes,
Sun Letong
Critique of GLI-Split, by Sun Letong
GLI-Split makes a clear distinction between two separation planes: the 
separation between identifier and locator, which is to meet end-users needs 
including mobility; the separation between local and global locator, to make 
the global routing table scalable. The distinction is needed since ISPs and 
hosts have different requirements. 
A main drawback of GLI-Split is that it puts too much burden on hosts. Before 
routing a packet received from upper layers, network stacks in hosts firstly 
need resolve the DNS name to an IP address; if the IP address is GLI-formed, it 
may further map the identifier extracted from the IP address to the local 
locator. If the communication is between different GLI-domains, hosts need 
further to map the identifier to the global locator, if the local mapping 
system does not forward the request to the global mapping system for hosts. 
This may lead to large delays and for low-powered hosts it may become 
unpractical. For communications spanning GLI-domains, hosts can send packets to 
a default GLI-gateway if they receive a negative answer from local mapping 
system, and the default GLI-gateway does the identifier-to-global locator 
mapping. The author argues that the multiple mapping lookups in hosts is for 
them to do multipath routing, since different destinations (local or global) 
may need different outgoing gateways. However, the gains of multipath routing 
and the cost of host burdens, and the corresponding delays, need to be further 
GLI-hosts need a home address for mobility. I think thereĄŻs no such need if 
the DNS system updates in time when GLI-hosts move across GLI-domains, which is 
less frequent compared with host mobility within a GLI-domain. The DNS updates 
would not take too long: on one hand, caching time of DNS now is as small as a 
few seconds or minutes (for load balance and other applications); on the other 
hand, a mechanism can be devised to trigger updates on DNS data. Furthermore, 
in this case hosts need not map the identifier to the global locator since the 
returned DNS response has that information, of course, if they do not need 
multipath routing.
As it claims, the main benefit of GLI-Split is for nodes move within a 
GLI-domain, since it would not bother the outside world. When hosts move across 
GLI-domain more changes may be needed. And the upgrades on hosts are costly, 
while the tradeoff between their gains needs discussion.
Critiques of LMS, by Sun Letong

LMS is a mapping mechanism and based on edge-core separations. In fact, any 
proposal that needs a global mapping system with keys of similar properties of 
that ¡°edge address¡± in the edge-core separation can use such a mechanism. 
This means that those keys are globally unique (by authorization or just 
statistically), at the disposal of edge users, and may have several satisfied 
mappings (with different weights, maybe). Once a proposal that needs mapping 
but doesn't specify the mapping mechanism, is used to solve the scalability 
problem, LMS can be used to strengthen its function.

The key idea of LMS is similar to LISP+ALT that the mapping system should be 
hierarchically organized, to gain scalability in the storage and update sense 
and to achieve quick index for mapping lookup. However, LMS advocates an 
ISP-independent mapping system and ETRs are not the authorities of mapping 
data. ETRs or edge-sites report their mapping data to related mapping servers.

Though LMS assumes that mapping servers can be incrementally deployed in that a 
server may not be constructed if none of its administered edge addresses are 
allocated, and that mapping servers can charge for their services, which 
provides the economic reason for their existence, how this brand-new system can 
be constructed is still not clear. Explicit layering is only an ideal state, 
and it rather analyzes the layering limits and feasibility, than provide a 
practical way for deployment. 

The drawbacks of LMS¡¯s feasibility analysis also include 1) based on current 
PC power and may not represent future circumstances (especially for IPv6); 2) 
does not consider the variability of address utilization. Some IP address 
spaces may be effectively allocated and used while some may not, causing some 
mapping servers overloaded while others poorly utilized. More thoughts are 
needed as to the flexibility of the layer design.

LMS doesn¡¯t fit well for mobility. It does not solve the problem when hosts 
move faster that the mapping updates and propagations between relative mapping 
servers. On the other hand, mobile hosts moving across ASes and changing their 
attach points (core addresses) is less frequent than hosts moving within an AS. 

I personally advocate that separation needs two planes: edge-core separation, 
which is to gain routing table scalability; identity-location separation, which 
is to achieve mobility. GLI does a good clarification and in that case, LMS can 
be used to provide identity-to-core address mapping. Of course, other schemes 
may be competent and LMS can be incorporate with it if it has globally seen 
keys and needs to map them to other namespaces.
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