> From: Patrick Frejborg <pfrejb...@gmail.com>

    > Then the edge IP address space is only visible inside the local network
    > (in LISP that is EID)

Ah, no - LEID's are globally visible, and globally unique.

And while I'm here anyway...

    > The current address model is soon running out of addresses, what then?
    > When you are there you have to go after the host stack

Not necessarily. I suspect the answer is 'more NAT'.

Because of the inertia of the IPv4 service interface, with the amazingly huge
ball-and-chain of deployed base which speaks it, I think IPv4 addresses will
be around for a very long time - even if, inside the network, we move to
something else, e.g. between xTRs. In other words, TCP will continue to see
IPv4 addresses - even if those are mapped into 'something else' shortly after
leaving TCP.

Whether the 'something else' is more IPv4 addresses (as with NAT44), or
something different, will depend - it will be 'something different' only when
that 'something different' has a sufficient economic incentive.

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