On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 03:32:59PM +1000, Robin Whittle wrote:
> > Most comments are welcome.  In particular comments of the form "I'm not
> > convinced, try again" of "based on this rationale, you should have picked
> > proposal XYZ" aren't particularly helpful.  
> So you don't want to know about any serious disagreement - you only
> want help wordsmithing and strengthening your arguments.  But
> strengthening your argument involves anticipating disagreement and
> providing suitable counter-arguments.

So, despite a request to not do so, you are going to (again) state your

I think the entire group is clear on your position, and I think we're
clear on the degree of your disagreement with the direction tho chairs
have chosen to go with the recommendation.

Please stop.  Your volume already makes keeping up with this group
difficult, and the continuous restatement of the same material is not
helpful.  Please stick to the questions at hand.  That will make your
messages far more valuable to all of us.


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