>>> a design which requires changes to all hosts is, IMO, a non-starter.
>> Why?
> Practise shows that it doesn't work.
> We can speculate as to why: my theory is that it increases the cost (in a
> broader sense than just $/Euros/etc), and I think you need to have a pretty
> low cost threshold to get new stuff out.

Past experiences need not be a predictor of future failure.  ;-)

The cost of software changes to the end user are now pretty much lost in the 
churn of maintenance releases and new devices.

Thus, the real hurdle that has to be accomplished is to woo the OS providers.  
Convince them to implement and distribute and that solves the deployment 
problem.  And to convince the OS providers, you have to show them the killer 
app.  Without a value add, it's not in their interest.

But once you do have that value add, it would seem to be all downhill.


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