On Nov 19, 2013, at 5:58 AM, j...@mercury.lcs.mit.edu (Noel Chiappa) wrote:

>> From: Scott Brim <scott.b...@gmail.com>
>> the IETF has said it doesn't want to come up with any more clever ways
>> to help organizations continue to squeeze more life out of IPv4
>> addresses. It will help with transition away from IPv4. 
> Just like with NAT. The IETF would rather stick its head in the ground -
> thereby ensuring that whatever happens, it will be done by individual actors,
> in an incoherent way.
> Like the Bourbons, the IETF has learned nothing, and forgotten nothing.


Can we please get back to program planning?

Again, we are looking for speakers to invite.  References to interesting 
routing papers and research would be very helpful.


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