Thus spake William Herrin ( on Sat, Mar 08, 2014 at 09:56:23PM 
> With that, can anyone offer an additional concrete example of a
> relationship between two neighboring ASes besides transit, peering and
> REN links? Or have we pretty much captured it?

Where do you feel CDN's fit in?   They sometimes are on the CDN owner's
network, sometimes they are also on ISP A's network.  The CDN in A can 
be fed settlement-free into A.  ISP B and C can be settlement-free to A
for CDN traffic.  I have seen this where A wasn't big enough to justify
having the CDN on their own without B and C's eyeballs.  Yet, A doesn't
sell transit to B or C.

Or, how about inter-domain multicast?  Maybe that is out of scope, but
these routing slots are even more scarcely available and it can break a
financial model, just like the "packet replication" from the CDN.


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