On 12 Apr 2009, at 23:51, Ben Mabey wrote:

Stephen Eley wrote:
On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 2:02 PM, Ashley Moran
<ashley.mo...@patchspace.co.uk> wrote:

I was just idly thinking, could a code-coverage based system could be combined with some sort of failure (fragility) history to balance the time
cost of heavy feature runs with the benefits of having something run
end-to-end? We've had reverse-modification-time spec ordering for ages
which is a useful start.

I've had it in my head for a while now that someday (yes, that
mythical 'someday') I want to write a better autotest.  Maybe this is
heresy, but I am a huge fan of the _idea_ behind autotest and totally
annoyed by its implementation.  It's extensible only in strange ways
(hence wrappers like autospec), and its fundamental strategy is too
static.  I once lost most of a day trying to fix merb_cucumber so the
features would run when they should, and was ready to hurl cats when I realized autotest's idea of context chaining was to make you list them
all in the classname in alphabetical order.  Look at the files in the
Cucumber gem's 'lib/autotest' directory and you'll see what I mean.

A proper design would let you plug in your own file-change discovery
strategy, plug in multiple runners (RSpec, Cucumber, yadda yadda) with
true modularity, specify lists of observers on directories or files,
and allow different output views.  An _ideal_ design would also let
you set priority rules like you're describing here, so you get instant feedback only on the stuff you're working with, and do end-to-end runs
in the background.

+1 to this Stephen, I am with you 100%.

A direct email about the pipe-dream is on it's way.

That would be very cool, you have lots of good ideas there. Being able to plug in your own file-change strategy would be killer. Another cool idea I ran across the other idea is being able to specify in your examples that which ones are "focussed". Meaning, autotest will only run the focussed ones and not bother running the entire suite. Once you have solved the problem at hand you remove the focussed tag and the whole suite is then ran. This idea, *which is already implemented*, comes from Micronaut[1]. The idea is very similar to Cucumber's and RSpec's[2] tagging feature (yet to come for rspec). The cool thing about micronaunt is that they have tied it into autotest. Ideally, we could be able to tell autotest, or whatever program, to only run tests that are tagged a certain way-- and then you could override that with the "focused" tag. So, we can add that to our list of cool things to have. :)

I actually don't think it should be necessary to tell the tool where to focus. As long as it understands the relationship between your tests and your source code, and you're making changes test-first, the tool should be able to know which parts of your code are unstable and likely to need re-testing after a change.

Matt Wynne

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