Somebody knows if it's possible to compile rsync (version 3 would be great, but can be 2.6.x) under Mac OS X 10.3.9 with extended attributes?

Under OS 10.3.9 the Apple shipped rsync have not yet the -E argument option. RsyncX have a double free bug that is annoying. "Q" rsync 2.6.6 with extended attributes binary only works on 10.4 and above.

I have tried to compile rsync from source but the problem I found is that the xattr patch seems to need the acl patch. But 10.3 doesn't have the ACL support so doesn't provides the expected headers and the make command fails.

I will try out 2 more things:
1) Ignore the instructions of xattr patch and do not apply the acl patch before xattr (but if those instructions are there, I'm almost sure it's for a good reason...)
2) Try to get a patched rsync via fink or darwinport

But I would appreciate any help or feedback about compiling a extended- attribute rsync on 10.3.9, even more if it's the last version (meaning that rsync could still progress on those macs and the development is not closed for them).

Best regards,

Vitorio Machado
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