On 9/28/2017 6:37 AM, Joan via rsyslog wrote:
I am using rsylog to read (imfile) some logfiles and forward them to
graylog in syslog format RFC5424.
I would like to add an attribute with the filename, I explored doing it by
modifiing the template (such as this
But it will just add the information into the begin of the message,
breaking some extractors I have in place.
I though after reading about the RFC5424 that another option would be to
add this data into the structured data fields (such as origin), but I
couldn't find any example on how to add this information. Could you point
me to some docs?



Your post to the list reminded me of a task I've yet to start on, but hope to soon.

I too am currently forwarding from rsyslog to graylog using the RSYSLOG_SyslogProtocol23Format template and I also hope to extend the data I'm sending into Graylog to include metadata details like source filenames or inputs where a message is received.

Because I've recently been learning to use JSON payloads for shipping extra information (In a structured format), I looked up whether Graylog accepted log data in a JSON format. Turns out that not only does it support it, but it appears to accept it in a way that you can easily have Graylog create additional fields for you from supplied data.

I found a guide[1] for constructing an appropriate GELF template and plan to use that provided template as a starting point:

template(name="gelf" type="list") {
    property(name="msg" format="json")
    property(name="timegenerated" dateformat="unixtimestamp")

I say starting point because the Graylog documentation[2] covers extending the GELF payload to include additional data that Graylog will automatically treat as an additional field. That I believe refers to the metadata we wish to push into Graylog.

If this approach interests you, you may wish to read over the resources I've linked to below. Because I will be switching from the RSYSLOG_SyslogProtocol23Format template to a GELF TCP Graylog input, I've recorded in my TODO entry that I'll need to pay attention to these points:

* GELF TCP only supports uncompressed and non-chunked payloads. Each message needs to be delimited with a null byte (\0) when sent in the same TCP connection[2][3].

* Graylog is able to accept and parse RFC 5424 and RFC 3164 compliant syslog messages and supports TCP transport with both the octet counting or termination character methods[2][3].

In particular, because I've not changed the default value, I'm still using the "traditional" setting for the TCP_Framing parameter in my forwarding action from rsyslog to Graylog. According to what I've read from the sources below (this[4] one specifically mentions it), I should probably update that forwarding action to use the the octet-based TCP Framing option. This appears to be especially important with multi-line messages.

Not sure how that would apply if the message is entirely composed of a JSON structure vs a RFC 5424 or RFC 3164 compliant message.

[1] http://www.rsyslog.com/doc/v8-stable/tutorials/gelf_forwarding.html

[2] http://docs.graylog.org/en/2.3/pages/gelf.html#gelf-via-tcp

[3] http://www.rsyslog.com/doc/v8-stable/configuration/modules/omfwd.html

[4] https://selivan.github.io/2017/02/07/rsyslog-log-forward-save-filename-handle-multi-line-failover.html
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