Even using the RFC5424 format, I would just use JSON in the message body, the structured data idea is something that pretty much nothing uses.

David Lang

On Mon, 9 Oct 2017, Joan via rsyslog wrote:

Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2017 10:53:09 +0200
From: Joan via rsyslog <rsyslog@lists.adiscon.com>
To: rsyslog-users <rsyslog@lists.adiscon.com>
Cc: Joan <aseq...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [rsyslog] Add the file name to syslog data

In my case I switched to rfc5424 precisely for the subsecond timestamps,
when agregating data from a lot of places, the messages would get unordered
for some reason, adding the microsecond fixed all that.

Digging in the available choices I amb thinking about two different options:

1) I stumbled into this this
the module mmrfc5424addhmac allows adding to the structured data some
information (in this case the hmac value), I looked around the code to
check if there was a generic approach to this, but couldn't find anything.
Is there anything that I have missed? BTW with the mentioned module the SD
can be modified like this:

action(type="mmrfc5424addhmac" key="yourenterprisekey"
hashFunction="sha256" sd_id="id@32473")

2) Another way of doing it would be to compose the structured data by
hand (removing the %STRUCTURED-DATA% currently empty) and replacing it
by a crafted field

$template Protocol23log4j,"<%$.pri%>1 %TIMESTAMP:::date-rfc3339%
$template Protocol23log4j,"<%$.pri%>1 %TIMESTAMP:::date-rfc3339%
file="%$!metadata!filename%"] %msg%\n"

Being the 1) not available if there is no such module, would be the 2)
a valid way of creating this data?

2017-10-07 0:03 GMT+02:00 David Lang <da...@lang.hm>:

On Fri, 6 Oct 2017, Dave Cottlehuber wrote:

at the final destination, I have all that data available and can either
use it, or create a template that just writes out a RFC3164 style message
with the original message content.

Is there any reason why you prefer RFC3164 vs the later RFC5424
http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc5424 ?

rfc5424 is a failure in many ways and has largely been ignored. Most
things that emit syslogs do so via the older standard, virtually nothing
supports the 'structured data' that it provides (which is why I do json in
the body of the message, everything understands that). most log parsing
tools don't know what to do with the newer format.

and the older format is just more compact (separate fields for app, pid,
and msgid vs the syslogtag app[pid]:)

the one real advantage the new format has is the sub-second timestamp and
the timezone in the timestamp. If you have all your systems running on the
same timezone, then the latter doesn't help, and I really have never had to
worry about sub-second resolution when dealing with logs. It's either the
sequence of the logs or to the nearest minute is good enough.

your milage may vary, there's nothing wrong with using the newer format.

David Lang

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