On Sun, 1 Oct 2017, at 11:50, David Lang wrote:
> any time you have a question like this, first log locally with the format 
> RSYSLOG_DebugFormat so that you can see exactly what data you have where.
> In this case, you will need to enable metadata in your imfile config,
> this will 
> add the filename (and other information), but it doesn't do this by
> changing the 
> message itself, it does this by creating file (under $!)
> so you will need to look at the debug output and then decide how you are
> going 
> to format the output message so that it contains the data.
> do you want to add a field at the beginning of the message? (will the
> things you 
> are sending it to know what to do? or will it confuse their parsers?)
> What I like to do is to send everything as a RFC3164 message, but with
> the body 
> of the message being a JSON structure. I set $!msg to the contents of
> $msg (if a 
> parser hasn't already done this for me), and I create a $!trusted branch
> that I 
> can add various metadata to (not just filename, but what input, what
> machine 
> sent it, what machine received it, what time each machine touched the
> message, 
> etc)
> at the final destination, I have all that data available and can either
> use it, 
> or create a template that just writes out a RFC3164 style message with
> the 
> original message content.

Is there any reason why you prefer RFC3164 vs the later RFC5424
http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc5424 ?

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