Hi Ben,

Thanks for that suggestion - had forgotten you can scrip based on the  
change to a custom field. However can you grant permissions to  
specific custom fields? I have others and don't want the customer to  
be able to change those.

I had been thinking somewhere along the lines of altering the  
SetStatus fucntion in Ticket_Overlay.pm

It currently does this:

     #Check ACL
     if ( $args{Status} eq 'deleted') {
             unless ($self->CurrentUserHasRight('DeleteTicket')) {
             return ( 0, $self->loc('Permission Denied') );
     } else {
             unless ($self->CurrentUserHasRight('ModifyTicket')) {
             return ( 0, $self->loc('Permission Denied') );

I was thinking about trying:

     #Check ACL
     if ( $args{Status} eq 'deleted') {
             unless ($self->CurrentUserHasRight('DeleteTicket')) {
             return ( 0, $self->loc('Permission Denied') );
     } elsif ( $args{Status} eq 'resolved') {
            # do nothing as we don't mind people resolving
     } else {
             unless ($self->CurrentUserHasRight('ModifyTicket')) {
             return ( 0, $self->loc('Permission Denied') );

I figured that would be ok as you'd have to have the permission to see  
the ticket in the first place.

Your method might be safer though, as you can permission it.


Justin Hayes
Support Manager

On 25 Jun 2008, at 09:45, Benjamin Weser wrote:

> Hi Justin,
> sure. Establish a custom field with the right ModifyCustomField for  
> the user. Use the CF to trigger a scrip which sets the ticket to  
> resolved.
> Ben
> Justin Hayes schrieb:
>> I'd like to offer my customers an option to resolve a ticket   
>> themselves, however I don't want them to have the Modify Ticket   
>> permission (which I think is the one you need for changing status).
>> Does anyone know of a way round this? I'm running 3.6.3
>> Cheers,
>> Justin
>> ------------------------------------------------------
>> Justin Hayes
>> Support Manager
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