Hmm another interesting suggestion, thanks! :)

But aren't you checking that it's the owner that's doing the resolving?

if ( $Ticket->OwnerObj->Name eq $session{'CurrentUser'}->Name )

I'm after letting the customer resolve, and they won't be the owner.

Also you're calling the SetStatus function. Doesn't that check that  
you have ModifyTicket?

     } else {
             unless ($self->CurrentUserHasRight('ModifyTicket')) {
             return ( 0, $self->loc('Permission Denied') );

Or does that code in <%INIT> run as if you're the main RT user or  
something, thus you have permission if you run SetStatus in <%INIT>?


Justin Hayes
Support Manager

On 25 Jun 2008, at 10:08, Brian Gallew wrote:

> Justin Hayes wrote:
>> I'd like to offer my customers an option to resolve a ticket   
>> themselves, however I don't want them to have the Modify Ticket   
>> permission (which I think is the one you need for changing status).
>> Does anyone know of a way round this? I'm running 3.6.3
> Sure.  Create
> $RTHOME/local/html/Callbacks/orbisuk/SelfService/Elements/Tabs/ 
> Default that looks something like this:
> ==========================CUT HERE==========================
> <%ARGS>
> $actions
> $Ticket
> </%ARGS>
> <%INIT>
> if ($Ticket) {
>  my $id   = $Ticket->id();
>  if ( $Ticket->OwnerObj->Name eq $session{'CurrentUser'}->Name ) {
>    $actions->{'D'} = { path => "SelfService/Resolve.html?id=" . $id,
>                        title => loc('Owner Resolve') };
>  };
> }
> </%INIT>
> %# Local Variables:
> %# mode:perl
> %# End:
> ==========================CUT HERE==========================
> Then you'll need to create $RTHOME/local/html/SelfService/Resolve.html
> ==========================CUT HERE==========================
> <%ARGS>
> $Ticket
> </%ARGS>
> <%INIT>
> if ($Ticket) {
>  my $id   = $Ticket->id();
>  if ( $Ticket->OwnerObj->Name eq $session{'CurrentUser'}->Name ) {
>    $Ticket->SetStatus('resolved');
>  };
> }
> RT::Interface::Web::Redirect($RT::WebURL."SelfService/");
> </%INIT>
> %# Local Variables:
> %# mode:perl
> %# End:
> ==========================CUT HERE==========================
> Caveat emptor: I've modeled the code after something I have running  
> which is similary, but I've never actually run it, so you may have  
> to experiment.  Especially since I don't actually do Perl.  8)
> Also, notice that this marks the ticket resolved without actually  
> allowing the opportunity to add any commentary.


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